A Detailed Introduction to ForwardView Foundation

14th of August 2024 | By Louis Allport

This is our very first blog post, and will act as a relatively detailed introduction to the foundation.  It may be updated from time to time, but also feel free to visit the About Us section of the site, which in the near future we hope to be a fully up to date and perhaps even more in depth overview of the foundation.

This article acts as:

  1. A fairly detailed overview to the foundation, including:
    1. Its goals and purpose
    2. Its history
    3. Its future
    4. Its funding
    5. Who’s behind it
    6. Details of how you can get involved
  2. A very quick introduction to non-duality, releasing, and meditation

So let’s begin…

What the Foundation is About

ForwardView Foundation offers the following live events entirely for free, available in-person and online:

  1. Meditation tutorials, sessions, and support
  2. Releasing tutorials, sessions, and support
  3. Discussions on and around the topic of non-duality

It also publishes the following at no cost to you:

  1. Audio, video and transcripts of these events, published on the site and elsewhere (YouTube, Spotify…)

  2. In depth articles including blog posts (like this one) as well as other long-form pieces, published on the site

  3. Select transcripts and articles published as books – digital version free of course, printed versions offered free (where possible) or at cost, as we don’t make a profit on any foundation activities

  4. We also make much of our published content available free of copyright, so that others way publish it as they wish

The events and the publishing are the core of what we offer, and we may expand on that a little in the future (an app, for example).  But the entire purpose of the foundation is to make events and published content on meditation, releasing, and non-duality, available for free and as widely as possible.

And although we take a fairly wide approach with each of those topics as they each have value individually and can be presented multiple ways, we also combine these three approaches into what can be considered our core offering and approach.  More on that at the very bottom of this article.

The three big motivations / ideas for creating the foundation were:

  1. Discussions on and around non-duality offer tremendous value in our view.

  2. Discussions of non-duality by themselves don’t offer a rounded approach in our view.  While such discussions are central to what we offer, we feel you can be better supported (wherever you are in your journey) through approaches to meditation and releasing. These can help you go deeper, help ease and support your journey, and help your innate uniqueness express itself more clearly.

  3. Although we understand everyone has to make a living, charging is a barrier in our view, and this reduces reach and accessibility of events and content.  So we’ve worked to find a way to offer everything at no cost. This is a central pillar of the foundation, and we don’t ask, expect, or look for donations, grants…etc. We’re entirely self-funded, and plan to be on an ongoing basis so we can continue offering nearly everything we offer entirely for free.

How the Foundation is Funded

The foundation is funded through ownership of businesses, and in-time further long-term investments.

The businesses have no connection with the foundation, except through ownership.  For example – the current businesses offer IT training and consulting.  In future the type and range of businesses may vary, particularly as we shift to longer-term investments.

A percentage of profits generated by these businesses is given to the foundation so that it can continue its work.  The more the foundation receives, the more it can achieve of course, so the success of the businesses and foundation are forever linked.

Many non-profits have trading subsidiaries with related activities.  For example – charity shops.  And many established non-profits earn income from significant long-term investments.  So this approach isn’t too unusual, and in our view creates much more stability and longevity of purpose, than living off grants and donations.

Also, asking for donations (implicitly or explicitly) would directly work against a central point of the foundation – to offer everything entirely for free, without any expectation of payment.

So we don’t accept donations or grants, but if you’d like to donate to other people and organisations that offer events, support, and publications similar to what we offer, there’s plenty of great options, some of which are listed in the events directory.  And these days more and more sites in this field present an option for donating to a scholarship fund, which then helps those with limited funds to attend paid-for events.

History of the Foundation

ForwardView Foundation was initially set up in 2016, although there was very little forward progress until 2020.

In 2020, the foundation converted into a social enterprise (Community Interest Company).  More activity then began, in particular:

  1. Interviews were recorded and published.

  2. Three meetings were held online, and we even managed one tiny in-person event.  Videos and audios of these meetings were also published.

  3. The website was very much improved.

  4. The directory listing other people’s events (that align with our approach) was created and events started being added there.  On a somewhat irregular basis however, although we hope to be more consistent moving forward, and in time growing the directory significantly to (ideally) listing hundreds, even thousands of searchable events.

  5. Work on the businesses the foundation owns has continued, although right now it seems that may yield results in 2025, or perhaps 2026.

So as this article is written, the foundation is around 8 years old, but has moved forward very slowly with its goals to date.

Future of the Foundation

Ideally all the work over the last eight years will start to generate more results, in either 2025, or 2026.

Simply put – the biggest limitation to what the foundation can achieve is funds.  And so as this article is written much of the focus is on developing the businesses the foundation owns, since the more money they make, the more the foundation can grow.

Once funds start to flow more regularly into the foundation, then the following actions can start:

Conversion into a charity

In 2025 (ideally) the foundation will be converted to a charity, registered in the UK.  This is a big change and will entirely alter the legal structure and many of the operating processes of the foundation.

So the next 12 months are for growing the business side of things, and also preparing for successful conversion into a charity.

As those two tasks continue, the following will also happen during the next 12 months to help the charity hit the ground running.

More regular publishing (and possibly events), including:
  1. Articles, like this one

  2. All outstanding transcripts for the interviews and meetings added to the site

  3. Regularly adding new listings to the events directory

  4. Publishing interview and meeting transcripts as our very first book

  5. Publishing all interview and meeting transcripts free of copyright, so others may publish them

  6. And perhaps (even before charity conversion) starting to run events again as well as recording new interviews

And after conversion into a charity, foundation activity should ideally then increase significantly, on an ongoing basis.

Longer-term goals of the foundation:
  1. Grow the reach of the foundation very significantly

  2. Significantly increase the quantity, consistency, and variety of events, including:

    1. Meditation classes, sessions, and support

    2. Releasing classes, sessions, and support

    3. A wide variety of discussions on and around non-duality

    4. Shorter events (up to 2 hours), day-long events, weekend events, and also retreats

  3. Get our own property for hosting events, rather than always having to rent space

  4. Release an app that helps make what we offer even more accessible

  5. Offer private sessions for free – teachers who align with our approach, we would look to purchase one-to-one sessions from them at their standard price, then offer these for free via the site (as our budget and as teacher availability allows)

  6. Structure the business and investment side of the foundation so that it supports the effective and ongoing continuation of the foundation

As we move forward with all this, regular and detailed updates will be published here on the site, and may also be sent out to the email list from time to time.  Also, you can become a member of the foundation to receive very detailed updates (see more details below in the “Get Involved” section of this article).

Who's Behind the Foundation?

Although this article is focused on a detailed overview of the foundation, I understand it can be helpful to personalise an organisation somewhat, rather than it just existing as a “faceless entity”, so to speak.

I’m Louis Allport, the founder of ForwardView Foundation, and I live in the UK near London.

I became a “seeker” (looking for larger answers) in my teens.  This led me to books like Autobiography of a Yogi and Daughter of Fire.  It also led me to interest in Buddhism, and organisations like Self Realization Fellowship.

Through this interest, I started meditating in my teens, although (to date) it hasn’t been something I’ve been consistent with.  Hopefully that will resolve itself at some point in the future.

Focus on such things receded into the background for a few years, but was still there.  Then in my mid-twenties I discovered Tony Parsons, attended his meetings in London, and have been regularly attending non-duality discussions ever since.

I had a reaction to one meeting of Roger Linden’s, around the age of thirty.  The way I describe it is the ability to push things to the back of my mind had been turned off.  This isn’t strictly accurate, but it gives an idea.  And this was an uncomfortable time and I didn’t feel very supported at all regarding what was happening, so looked for more understanding and answers about this.

I’ve since discovered that meetings, meditation… can cause an opening up process, and things you’ve tucked away can start to reappear, to be dealt with.  This may not happen for everyone, but I’ve heard of this happening for different people in different ways.

Some find it easy to deal with.  I didn’t.  I started meditating again to ease things somewhat, and that did help.  Audio Dharma was a wonderfully helpful website during this period.  But I then discovered the Release Technique and found it particularly useful at that time.

Learning and really getting used to this technique was a very, very incremental process for me, that took years.   Perhaps I’m a slow learner.  Some certainly do learn and benefit from it much faster than I did.  But it did help me start to deal with what was happening.

During this I took time away from meetings, until I felt comfortable to rejoin them again.

After quite a few years of releasing alongside going to meetings, strangely enough the Release Technique fell away for me.  Doing it started to feel quite contracted.  And that too seems to be a common occurrence – something that helps you at a certain point along your journey, falls away when it’s no longer needed.  Or when the time has come for something new (although it may not immediately be clear what the next step is, which can result in some confusion I’ve found).

Going to meetings continued, but there was still very much an interest in releasing.  But I was trying to understand how to implement that approach again, when structured techniques like the Release Technique no longer worked.

I then discovered Jim Eaton, and in time Louise Kay, who make releasing part of their meetings.  Although ultimately, those meetings aim to help you be able to sit quietly by yourself outside of a meeting, sink into meditation, and release naturally on a very deep level.

And frankly, the goal of all these meetings and approaches is for you to become your own “teacher”, so to speak, as your true answers are inside and always have been.  But along the way, meetings and support can certainly be helpful, until they may no longer be needed for you.

It’s this whole journey that started in my teens, took a major turn around 30, and that has continued since then, that led me to the decision to start the foundation.  As an attempt to bring together non-duality discussions, releasing, and meditation, as I feel they work very well together.

I can’t remember exactly when the idea came of attempting to make this as accessible as possible (entirely free) as widely as possible.  Perhaps around 2013, but it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when an idea is born, and especially exactly where it came from.

At that time I didn’t have much money at all, and one motivating factor for the foundation was seeing high priced retreats, and thinking that they were unnecessarily expensive, and that if you really want to help people, you make things as affordable as possible.  I’m well aware that people have to make a living, but I also feel it’s healthiest if there’s a balance between earning a living, and helping people.  And this foundation is an attempt to help to balance things entirely towards helping people, without asking for anything financial in return.

And back then, online events were rare, so there was always travel involved.  I generally had to travel to London by train (plus underground, plus walking), which was two or three hours each way, which isn’t a particularly relaxing way to attend a meeting.  Plus, getting home around 1am in the middle of the week isn’t ideal.  And I even used to travel to London for one-to-one (private) sessions.  And trying to settle into a one hour private session, after two or more hours of travelling, isn’t exactly ideal either.

The pandemic made online events so much more common.  And online events have been a real blessing for me, and hopefully for others too.  It allows me to attend many more, and a much wider variety of events, than I otherwise could.  It also costs less (no travel…etc.) and there’s no lost income as I can attend online events around work.  I wasn’t sure online events would really work as I had been so used to in-person events, but now I absolutely love them.  And that’s why nearly all events the foundation runs in-person will also be available to attend remotely.

So after a few years of thinking about it, and quite a bit of research, the foundation was formed in 2016.  And things have moved forward from there, albeit slowly.

How to Get Involved

Here are the main ways you can get involved with the foundation:

Come to a meeting

If what we offer is of interest to you, the simplest way to get involved is of course to come to one, or more, meetings.  Whether in-person, or online.

As mentioned there won’t be regular meetings again at least until 2025.  But once they start up again, please do feel free to join.  Of course, there’s no cost.

Updates regarding this will always be in the Our Events section of the site.

Share what we offer, with others

Please do feel free to share what we offer with others, including:

  1. Inviting people you know to events

  2. Sharing what we publish, on social media

  3. Linking to us from your website, if you happen to have one

  4. Sharing our leaflets, booklets, and even books with people who may be interested in what we offer

  5. Taking our copyright free content and sharing / publishing it however you may like to

More information regarding this will always be published in the Share section of the website.


One way we may be looking for contributions in future is with writing – articles, and perhaps longer items.

We may also be looking for volunteers to help out with certain things, at some point in the future.

Updates and more information regarding this will always be published in the Contribute section of the website.

Become a member

Once this foundation has converted into a charity (ideally in 2025), it may be formed in the “association model” structure.  This means the community can become members of the charity, stay up to date, and even vote on certain decisions.

A member is different to a trustee, which is a member of the charity’s board.  A trustee is a very special type of volunteer effectively, with a huge amount of responsibility and a real commitment to the foundation’s goals and mission.

This is something that will become clearer over the next 12 to 24 months I believe, but is worth mentioning at this time.  Feel free to check the News section of the site from time to time for more updates regarding this, as well as the Contribute section of the site.  Do feel free to add yourself to the mailing list too.

Introductory Definition -
What is Non-Duality?

One way to consider “non-duality”, is that it’s suggesting that all apparent separation you experience, may not be the case.  While non-duality effectively means “not two”, the world of duality is everything you experience day to day:

  • Here-There
  • Me-You
  • Now-Then
  • Left-Right
  • Good-Bad
  • …etc…

One often used analogy to help present the idea of the illusion of separation, is that you’re the wave that’s forgotten they’re the sea.

One question or idea that may be presented in non-duality discussions:

What is aware of everything you’re experiencing right now?

One word often used in this context is being.  The suggestion is that being is beyond thought, feeling, and perception.  It is aware of, and holds, everything you experience.

Another phrase often presented is “I Am”.  The suggestion is that what you truly are is the “I Am” part of the phrase:

  • I am reading
  • I am walking
  • I am thinking

The question then becomes:

Who is the I Am?

Or asked differently:

Who am I?

And there’s the well known saying “I think, therefore I am”.  Well, the suggestion in these meetings is that the I Am part of yourself, who you are at the most fundamental level, is aware of thought, comes before thought, and doesn’t require thought to exist.

These questions and suggestions can be a starting point for discussions on, and around, the topic of non-duality.  Please note there’s no dogma, belief systems are irrelevant to such meetings, and no practices are needed.

And although they may appear as such, these are not intellectual exercises, but simply an attempt to point you back towards what’s already the case.

Typically one or two people lead the meeting, start with a short introduction, then the rest of the session is often questions and answers.

If this connects with you at all, you may like to attend a meeting, or at least read, listen to, or watch a previous meeting discussing non-duality.

Introductory Definition -
What is Releasing?

A simple definition of releasing is letting go of feelings and suppressed energy, without having to express it.

If you think of the three options you have regarding feelings – express, suppress, release.  We aren’t taught to release generally, so for most adults it comes down to express or suppress.

As a foundation, we don’t consider suppressing a healthy or productive way to deal with emotions.  Although, if you don’t know anything else, it’s the only option you have really.  Suppressing really just tucks it away so you don’t have to deal with it at that moment.  But, it’s still very much there.

And of course, you can’t express everything, as it would make functioning in society impossible.

In a way, learning to release is a process of moving your focus more onto the space that holds the feeling (being), rather than the feeling itself.  From that space, the feeling can be seen clearly, and released.  And once it’s gone, you’re no longer consciously, or unconsciously, holding onto it.  At the minimum, this can help you feel lighter, but letting go of what you’re holding onto can go so much deeper than that.

Now a feeling needn’t necessarily just be something you’re feeling in the moment – anger, impatience, excitement…etc.  When sitting quietly you can bring up feelings by thinking about certain situations for example, to then release around them.

And this could even go as deep as suppressed energy (decisions, beliefs…etc.) you’ve held onto since childhood.  Or deeper still.  If it can be felt, it can be released.  It’s not actually that important to know what it is that you’re feeling and releasing, just that it can be felt.

At the start, you may need to sit quietly to release, and it may very much be at the surface level.  In time, you may be able to go ever deeper, and even continue the process in day to day life.

So how is this related to non-duality?

Non-duality discusses the idea that you as a separate entity doesn’t exist and has never existed.  It’s ironically a message that may sound nihilistic but is ultimately full of love and joy.  But, whatever spiritual clarity may or may not be seen, life still seems to continue.  Releasing that blocked and suppressed energy may help your natural gifts, inclinations, and uniqueness to shine ever brighter, inside and out.  Which in our view is so much better, than continuing to hold onto it.

Releasing can start as a somewhat formulaic technique, but as your ability grows to move your focus to being, to what’s aware of the feeling, then techniques may largely fall away, and it may become an ever easier, more powerful, and more natural process for you.

Introductory Definition -
What is Meditation

Most people are familiar with what meditation is.  It’s generally thought of as sitting quietly and focusing on just one thing, as best you’re able to.  But there are also variations, like walking meditations, and relaxed sitting meditations where the focus happens with very little effort.

Well known meditation approaches include focusing on the breath coming in and out of the nose, focusing on a mantra (repeated word or phrase), focusing on every internal and external sensation you experience right now, along with other techniques.

They all have value, and different people respond more positively to different approaches.  So it can be worth trying different approaches, although trying each approach consistently for at least a couple of weeks, if not a couple of months, can give you a better idea than trying something different every day.

And consistency can be helpful – every day around the same time, for example.  But, it’s not 100% essential, and getting too dogmatic and strict about it (20 minutes twice a day at exactly the same time) can make life difficult to live, and can even be self defeating in that respect.

But again, like so many things, consistency is good, and more is better than less (within your time constraints, and within your limits).  You can start with even just 10 minutes daily, and go from there.  Whereas jumping straight to a meditation retreat is not recommended for the same reason you don’t run a marathon without regular training.

Such meditation approaches may have mental, emotional, and even physical benefits.  And as a foundation we may teach such methods in the future.  But, we consider such approaches just a gentle introduction to what we’re really about:

  • Discussions of non-duality

  • Resting in your being as a meditation, and going ever deeper

  • Resting in your being as a meditation, and deeply releasing

  • In day-to-day life, resting deeply in being as an unending meditation, and naturally releasing ever more deeply

In our view your journey really begins the more your focus returns to being.  Meetings, and meditation, may help encourage and deepen this.  And moving focus to being can also help you to deeply release, which may help your natural unique expression shine through ever clearer.

Picture of By Louis Allport
By Louis Allport

Starting in his teens, Louis' journey of looking for larger answers involved meditation, many non-duality meetings, and a lot of releasing. He started ForwardView Foundation in 2016 with the goal of offering meetings and support for these three complimentary approaches, for free, and as widely and accessibly as possible.