Ways to Contribute

Currently what we’re able to achieve is limited by how much time our team has So, the more help we get, the faster the foundation can grow. If you’re interested at all in contributing even just a little of your time, please see below.

Write For Us
We’re considering writing and publishing in-depth relevant articles. See more details below.
Ways to Volunteer
If you may be willing to donate even just a little of your time to help the foundation grow faster, in particular here’s what we need help with:
- Transcripts of interviews and meetings. Getting transcripts completed is a lot of work and really slowing us down. If you’re happy editing / proof-reading such interviews, and would like to contribute some of your time towards that, it would really be a huge help.
- Adding / updating the searchable directory. The eventual goal is to list many hundreds (if not thousands) of organisers, and many thousands of events, to make the database of tremendous value to people looking for events. Frankly this is a huge amount of work, so any help at all we can get so this can move forward faster would be amazing.

Write For Us
Please note we’re very much just at the idea stage with this at the moment, although one of our goals is to publish a lot more articles.
However, we feel it’s vital that articles are unique and of tremendous value and interest to the community. We’re aiming very much for quality over quantity.
We’ll be somewhat regularly publishing in-depth articles ourselves. If you’d like to contribute too, and have significant experience related to either / and discussions of non-duality, releasing, meditation.
Simply put – if you have a story and perspective you’d like to share, that fits with our approach, and if you’re happy to spend the time to put together something truly unique and of value, we can’t offer anything in return except an audience! (You can even publish anonymously if you would prefer.)