Directory of Selected Non-Duality, Meditation, and Releasing Events

Monthly Non-Duality Zoom Meeting with Jim Newman
(Saturday, April 5, 2025, 10am to 11.30am EST)
Jim Newman leads meetings discussing non-duality. He regularly hosts these meetings online, and also at in-person events.
Jim’s meetings typically start with a short introduction to non-duality, and then the rest of the meeting will often be questions and answers.
He generally offers a free 90 minute Zoom meeting the first Saturday of each month. Donations welcome.

2 Hour In-person (Kingston, London UK) & Online Satsang with Tom Das
(Sunday, April 6, 2025 – 2pm to 4pm UK time)
Tom Das leads regular discussions online and in-person, sharing the message of freedom from suffering. Each satsang he leads is in devotion to Sri Ramana Maharshi.
This two hour satsang is available via Zoom and also in-person in London. (Satsang: a spiritual discourse or sacred gathering.)
It often (but not always) begins with sitting in silence, then moves to Q & A format. Although you may find each meeting is slightly different.
To join please donate £12 (approx $15).

5 Day Intensive Retreat in Portugal (& Online) with Unmani
(10th – 14th April 2025)
‘Awakening to Wholeness’ – 5 Day Intensive Retreat in Portugal with Unmani. Retreat also available to attend online.
“Immerse yourself in embodied awakening, and discover the possibility of embracing all aspects of your true nature – your mind, your heart and body. Meet yourself as Life itself, and, and explore how to find the courage to live as this in your daily life.”
This is a non-residential retreat. The in-person price is €550, and to attend online it’s €350.

Circling Weekend in Bristol With Jim Eaton
(26th-27th April 2025)
Jim Eaton offers one-to-one and group sessions, with a focus on re-discovering your innate being, and from that ground of being living more authentically.
This non-residential weekend retreat is in North London. You would be booking for the full weekend.
“Together we will be exploring the potent blend of ancient meditative enquiry and the cutting edge relational practices of Circling and Surrendered Leadership, that can deliver real, lasting transformation and a deep sense of belonging.”
Price is £200 total for the weekend.

2 Hour Webinar With Rupert Spira
(Wednesday 30th April 2025)
Rupert Spira leads meditation sessions and discussions of non-duality.
This two hour webinar is available via Zoom.
It begins with a meditation, then moves to Q & A format. Arrive as early as possible if you’d like an opportunity to ask a question.
Places range from £2.37 to £19.78 ($3 to $25 approx)

4 Day Residential Retreat with Tony Parsons
(Sunday 11th to Thursday 15th May 2025)
Tony Parsons has been leading meetings discussing non-duality for 30+ years.
This retreat is at The Vedanta in Lincoln, UK. There is also a non-residential option.
Tony’s meetings typically start with a short introduction by him to non-duality, and then the rest of the meeting will be questions and answers. If you’ve not been to a “radical non-duality” meeting before, viewing some of his YouTube videos may be helpful.
Prices range from £550 to £980.

5 Day Residential Retreat in Tennessee with Jim Newman
(Thursday 22nd to Monday 26th May, 2025)
Jim Newman leads meetings discussing non-duality. He regularly hosts these meetings online, and also at in-person events.
This residential retreat is at the Well Being Foundation in Tazewell, TN.
A place on the retreat ranges from $685 to $1,075, depending on the type of lodging you prefer.

7 or 14 Day Online & In-Person Germany Retreat with Louis Kay
(August 17 – 31, 2025)
You’re invited to join me at Domicilium Meditation House in Southern Germany for either 7 or 14 days for this Embodied Awareness retreat.
Embodied Awareness is a practice which supports the direct recognition of one’s True nature, as well as the integration of unprocessed energies and emotions held in the body. This practice allows one to live fully in presence and to become a vessel through which higher consciousness can flow freely, bringing joy to every aspect of life.
Prices range from €235 to €3,070